"I've never been a princess"

Onyx: Independent TV Series (2023)

Telly award winner, dark comedy Onyx. Centers around secret agents and lies, Dinis an over qualified data entry specialist seeks more than just being responsible for finding and hiding the agencies dirt.

Dropping The Kids Off (2023)

A couple trying to have a kid goes to the extremes when nothing's going right. Sketch Comedy.

ok, so i lied. (2022)

A newer assassin Charlie discovers there is a hit out on her, she manages to escape and go to the source.  

 Piggy Banks  (2021)

This award winning script kicked butt in the festival circuit. Now it's off to the races once again already securing four festivals placings.

Whitney is a defiant woman who will stop at nothing to find a way out of her hometown. 



Los Angeles, California

Local Hire Cites:

North Carolina, Raleigh

New York City, New York

Huston + Austin, Texas

Atlanta, Georgia

Denver, Colorado

Phoenix, Arizona

Currently Slated to shoot three indie shorts Q3, Q4

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